Thursday, February 19, 2009

Today's Prep Birthday

CARSON McCULLERS American writer Lula Carson Smith McCullers was as well-known for unique prose as for her daring use of menswear in everyday dressing. Born of Confederate and French Huguenot parents, McCullers had a middle class upbringing in the pre-civil rights South, not the most tolerant place for people who were outside societal norms. 

McCullers left home at age 17 and after losing her tuition money, took night classes at Columbia and NYU while working menial day jobs. She married a GI, but the marriage was doomed from the start as both bride and groom had homosexual longings. After leaving her husband, she joined a Brooklyn art colony and befriend Tennessee Williams and Truman Capote.

"There's nothing that makes you so aware of the improvisation of human existence as a song unfinished. Or an old address book."

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