Thursday, July 29, 2010

Thrift Style

In case you didn't know, I thrift. I thrift a lot. I'm the FourSquared mayor of a lot of the thrift stores. I know the workers by name and sometimes bring them doughnuts. I thrift a lot.

There's good thrift weeks and bad thrift weeks. This was a good week. Here's a photo I did of the good stuff I kept for myself. Vintage pink Guatemala shorts, Chaps Ralph Lauren 80's tuxedo shirt, Hermes silk scarf (inside the shirt), Harris Tweed herringbone jacket, vintage eyeglass frames, vintage Lands' End Outrigger bag. If I had a real fashion job (by real, I mean one that paid), I'd wear this on a summer Friday. I'd sweat myself to death but feel very cool.

1 comment:

  1. congrats on the hermes scarf find! i scored two for $2 each. perfect condition. never been worn, but no box. :-(
