Monday, February 2, 2009

Dream Realized: The Barbour International

I have a confession to make. I haven't always been a 38R. In fact, until a couple of years ago, I ate doughnuts and Coke for breakfast, Taco Bell for lunch and pizza for dinner. Yeah, it was like that and it showed. I'll spare you the details of the transformation, but suffice to say that my wardrobe was in for a serious overhaul when I went from an XL to a Small.

One victim was my Barbour International jacket. I bought it in heftier times just as it was going out of production. But when the weight went, so did the jacket. Ever since, I have scoured eBay and thrift stores trying to find a size 38, preferably on the worn side-- I never liked the stiff, stinkiness of new Barbour.

Today, my prayers were answered when a size 38 Barbour International, slightly worn, popped up in my email. Located just over the river in Brooklyn! Needless to say, its bought and paid for and in the mail at sunrise. I'll be sitting by the mailbox until it arrives.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a great find. Good luck. Isn't it great when one can find something that one has been looking for?
